As a young woman, it can sometimes be difficult knowing and standing firm on your worth. Knowing your worth can be troubling both in and out of a relationship. The bottom like however, is we need to stand on what we’re worth to have healthy, confident, and happy relationships and minds. It is important to know your worth not only as a partner, but also as a young person, student, leader, and as a friend.
1. You have your whole life ahead of you to reinvent yourself
My first reminder to knowing your worth, is to know that you are not tied down to the situation you are in now. So maybe you’ve failed some classes, maybe you’ve even dropped out of a college. Maybe you’ve been in a relationship that you thought held you up as a person. Maybe you’ve been with many guys, maybe you've been with none. Maybe you’ve gone through a party stage, maybe you haven’t. Know that you have a whole life ahead of you to reinvent yourself as a woman, as a student, and as a citizen.
2. People love you, God loves you, Love Yourself
You need to know your worth, because you are here for a purpose. Your parents brought you into this world because they love you, they love(d) each other, and you should know that you are worth it. Maybe you’ve been told you’re ugly, or not smart enough, or you’re socially awkward. I’m here to tell you, that beauty lies within yourself. You must believe you’re beautiful and worth it. You must believe you’re smart. You must conquer your social fears. You must also know that God loves you. He made this Earth out of love for humans, and we’re here to love each other. Know your worth because you are loved. Get up everyday, love yourself no matter what struggles you're going through, and keep going.
3. Don’t take anyone's shit
Whether you are in, or out of a relationship, you should never put up with someone putting you down. You need to have boundaries for yourself and for a relationship. If someone crosses those boundaries, you need to know when to speak up, and/ or get out of the relationship. Personally, one boundary for me is cheating. As a young woman, we are more flexible to be in or out of a relationship. Therefore, set your boundaries, realize when they are crossed, and stick up for yourself.
4. Cliché but, there are plenty of fish in the sea
As a young girl, you should realize the situation your in, and all the life you have ahead of you. Maybe you think you are tied down to the person who continually hurts you. I'm here to tell you that you aren't. From experience, the best relationships happen when you're not expecting them. So therefore, worry about your happiness first, then try to make someone else happy. Know that there are 7.12 billion people on this earth.
5. Do things for yourself
Finally, I challenge you to go out and do things that you enjoy. Create yourself. Write if you love writing, help people if you love helping people, play sports if you love playing sports. Accept people. Take time out of your day to get to know people. Take time out of your day to get to know yourself. Grab a cup of coffee by yourself. Go to the gym. Get an extra nap. Work on some homework. Be strong, be independent, find yourself. It’s the perfect time to do so.