Relationships are a beautiful thing. You, the person, and the world are in sync. When things are working it is the best time of your life. Sometimes though, they start to turn from a wonderful experience to something that can ultimately be detrimental to your health. Here are some red flag signs to look for in a relationship:
1. If He/She Starts To Consider Themselves More:
This doesn’t mean that your significant other needs to forget their wishes and desires 100 percent of the time. That’s selfish. However, you both should be giving and taking in the relationship. It should be an equal balance; when one side starts to tip over more, there is a reason to be concerned.
2. If He/She Starts To Blow You Off:
It’s understood that every day of every week and weekend doesn’t need to be spent together. But when your boyfriend or girlfriend starts to have more "alone" time and starts tending to complain when you make plans to do something together, there could be a bigger issue.
3. If He/She Becomes Too Overprotective:
Being overprotective initially comes across as caring gesture. When he or she starts to panic and question your motives with other people, there is going to be a problem. The protectiveness turns from a loving quality to just a jealous and insecure one that can ultimately start to harm the relationship.
4. If You Don’t See Eye-To-Eye Anymore:
No two people in a relationship will always agree on things—that’s not healthy. However, when you start to constantly disagree on things as simple as where to eat Friday night or as serious as future goals down the road, there could a bigger underlying issue at hand.
5. If Fights Become More Than Playful:
Every healthy relationship has bantering that goes back in forth in a lighthearted manner. When these playful fights repeatedly start to turn into serious and continuing arguments, the relationship can start to head south. Especially if the same fight is brought up over and over.
These signs aren’t always things that can destroy a relationship. But, they are things that should be considered when trying to improve the bond between you and your partner. Relationships aren’t always beautiful. They’re messy, difficult, challenging and tiring. It takes effort on both sides for it to work.