Yes, I am a New Yorker... Yes, maybe I can go along with some of the stereotypes... However, there's nothing wrong with being a New Yorker.
So to my fellow New Yorkers, you know you're from New York when...
1) After you state you're from New York, you are automatically asked what part of the city...
NO! New York is a very large state. Obviously New York City is well known, but did everyone else forget what the rest of the state is called? It's also called New York. So personally, no I am not from New York City, I am from New York STATE. The whole "Big Apple" thing is because the rest of the STATE grows the best apples.
2) Your "accent" throws people off...
What's wrong with how I say water? I don't notice it. My mom doesn't notice it. Therefore it is okay to add an extra "R" and pronounce it more like "waRter". At least I don't have a Boston accent... "Get in the cah Jimmay! Cab ya grab me a wahtah?"
3) Suddenly you are considered an aggressive driver...
Woah, slow down there. Have YOU ever driven in New York City or New York state highways? You need to be slightly aggressive in order to not be run over by everyone. And yes, this driving style does come out occasionally when you're not in the City, but whatever, you get places much faster. We may also talk and walk slightly faster, but that is also because we need to get things done in our day.
4) You find everyone with an "I love NY" shirt/sweatshirt annoying...
Do you really love New York? Or do you love New York City? Or do you love New York City pretzels? The world will never know, but I will know that you are a major tourist and I really dislike your sweatshirt.
5) You take serious pride in your bagels and pizza...
Have you every tried pizza from a different state? Not good. Bagels? Same thing. Stick to your roots and BYOBAP... Bring your own bagels and pizza.
If you have agreed to any of these, there's a chance you're a New Yorker. So rock that Yankees hat and/or jersey and say what you want, you're a New Yorker!