If you go back to my best friends becoming family article, this one is slightly similar. There are some differences since it takes time to find friends like these. Here are some reasons your friends are your family.
They accepted you for you from the start
That one moment you bumped into each other and introduced yourself they felt the instant connection and tried their hardest to know you for you.
They include you in everything
By everything, I literally mean everything. From an activity going on around their area to letting you sit with them at lunch (if a college student/colleague) since they barely see you as it is.
You may actually have the same interests
From those moments they are getting to know you you may actually find out a hobby you do or a music artist you listen to, that friend will actually say they love that same artist or do that same hobby and you both will have the same inner excitement for having something in common.
They want you to know them
Yes they want to get to know you since they keep asking you a good majority of the questions every time they see you, but there are moments they want you to be the listener and have them share their story. You are learning something new everyday, so why start off with your friends?
They are literally there for you
If you are looking for someone to actually vent about your life and neither your best friends or family members are around (in my case that’s doubtful but for others I’m not sure), that friend will see of you are okay and they are willing to listen.
In short, it’s always good to keep your friends around. No you may not see them all the time but they are a great way to increase your nonbiological family tree. Be sure to keep these reasons in mind when you are making your friends your family.