5 Reasons Why Your Dream Body Isn't Your Real Body | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons Why Your Dream Body Isn't Your Real Body

Some not-so-obvious reasons that explain why you may have plateaued with your fitness results.

5 Reasons Why Your Dream Body Isn't Your Real Body
Core Fitness

Not getting the results you like despite consistent training and a heavy diet? Time and time again, I come across friends who stress to me how unhappy they are with their results, or how the reading on the scale killed their hopes and dreams. We need to realize we are all different people with distinct bodies. Some of us have an easier time losing weight and toning up than others. And some of us need to take those extra steps or miles to make our dream body start coming to reality. Regardless, being fit is a marathon- not a sprint, and it will take time, endurance, and most importantly, spirit, to bring to life. Chances are you haven’t maxed out, but (just like myself) needed to make a few tweaks to your active lifestyle. That being said, here are five common reasons you may have plateaued with your results:

1. Improper Nutrition

Believe it or not, working out is only half the battle! Here’s a little science lesson; when you exercise, your muscles need more oxygen and energy to supply the motion. Often times, they utilize the stored energy in your body to supply your workouts. For humans, this stored energy comes in the form of proper nutrition. Calories are just a measure of energy, like joules (for all you physics nerds). If your body isn’t receiving the proper fueling it needs to complete the workout, it will encounter something called catabolysis.

This biological process consists of the body breaking down fat and muscle tissue in order to stay alive. So, if you think dramatically cutting down calories means quicker results, you are oh so wrong. Focus on eating healthy, clean and enough food to keep your body intact (for more details, refer to “Eat This Not That: College Edition"). In the end, working out builds muscles, but the fuel and energy they are supplied with is what sustains them.

2. Lack of Periodization

For starters, periodization refers to the changes in your workout regimen. Think about it this way - if you were to eat the same sandwich every single day for 3 months straight, wouldn’t you become unsatisfied with this and crave something different to gain a better experience? Well, your body acts the same way. This is a very common thing that many people overlook. Once your body adapts to a certain workout regime, it will stop benefiting from it, because it will know what to expect. Change your workouts every 2-3 weeks, and do not constantly isolate the same muscle groups on the same days each week. Surprising your body will shock your muscles (in a good way) and force them to work harder to keep up with the changes. This not only benefits your body but will also prevent your workouts from being dull and boring.

3. You are overtraining

Yes, overtraining in addition to undertraining can mess with your results. Overtraining results in a greater production of cortisol which increases fat deposition and insulin resistance, which counteracts the original point of working out. Furthermore, you are always left feeling sore more times than not. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the feeling of being sore after an awesome workout. However, if you know you are receiving proper nutrition but you’re still feeling sore after every workout, this is your body telling you that you need to rest and recover. Beginners are often most guilty for this without knowing. Remember the first time you worked your arms and could not wash your hair for a week? Don’t jump into doing too much too fast. Recall, it is a marathon, not a sprint. That said, you should be taking at least 1-2 rest days every week to assure maximal efficiency and recovery. Your muscles also need to chill every now and then too.

4. You Value Quantity over Quality

It is not how long you spend at the gym, but what you do while you are there. For all it matters, a person receiving a 30-minute workout could be highly better off than an individual spending 2 hours at the gym. When speaking about the quality, I most likely mean form. If you are planking every day for minutes and have yet to see any results after weeks, then you might have to think back to your form. Exercising is all about form. All those times you heard to not let your toes past your knees while you squat or lunge, or keep your elbows tucked tightly while you work your biceps and triceps, those statements are so crucial. They can really make or break your results. It does not matter how much you lift or how many times you can lift, but if you sacrifice proper form for quantity, then you might as well have not worked out, to begin with. Go at your own pace and focus on performing the moves properly without weights before adding resistance. Furthermore, do not be afraid to up your weight once you have conquered the form. If your workout is not challenging you, then it is not effective. Remember, no pain, no gain!

5. You Are Not Giving It Your All

For me, this was the most important point. Working out is really more of a mental dedication than a physical one. With proper fuel and nutrition, your body will do anything your brain dictates. Even when you feel like giving up or you can’t do it, keep pushing yourself until the end. Move at the comfort of your own pace, but regardless of what happens, do not stop. If you go to the gym with the mindset of “Ugh, I don’t want to be here but I just had a cheeseburger, so I have no choice,” and pretty much bs the entire time with your absolute minimum, don’t expect to have a tight tummy or abs within a few weeks. Set your goals and conquer them. No one else attains your desired results but yourself. Results will not show up overnight. It will time passion, dedication, and motivation. But once you have mastered these mental milestones, then your dream body will only be a mirror reflection away.

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