What is stopping you from doing your absolute best in school? Chances are, you do one or more of the following things:
1. You spend too much time on your phone.
A quick check to see if someone has texted or called you is fine, but there is really no need to spend hours on your phone, especially during class. I know that Instagram and Snapchat can pull you in, but you can’t let them if you want to be successful. Wouldn’t you rather be doing something productive with your life? Your Facebook feed isn’t that important. Go live your life in the real world.
2. You think you are working incredibly hard, but you really aren’t.
Just because you turned in all your assignments on time and studied for your exams doesn’t mean you worked your absolute hardest. We all fall victim to acting like we tried our hardest on our work when we did not. Go talk to your professor about those questions that you think are “dumb.” Take the extra time to bring your essay to the editing center. Just because you finished the task doesn’t mean you completed it with 100 percent of your efforts.
3. You aren’t taking enough risks.
I understand it’s easy to stay in your comfort zone, and some good things can happen without taking risks, but think about how much you learn if you do. You will fail, and fail, and then fail again until you succeed, but that is life. Pure luck will get you nowhere.
4. You give up too easily.
You already failing a class, so not showing up won’t hurt anything, right? You feel unmotivated? People aren't treating you the way you want? Well, that’s life. You don’t just give up, you push on towards your goals. It took Ben Franklin just over six years and hundreds of failed trials to discover electricity, but aren't you glad he didn't give up?
5. You aren’t positive about your work.
My mother has always told me that keeping a positive mind will help you live a positive life. Some of the classes you take will be the hardest hours of your week, but that doesn’t mean you have to be negative about them. Complaining to your friends about your classes does not do anything, except annoy them and further your negativity. Keep your thoughts happy and you will be happy. There is always something, no matter how small, to be joyful about.