5 Reasons Voting For Gary Johnson is a Mistake
1. He prefers private prisons over state run prisons.
Incarceration is a major problem in the United States with over one million American adults currently in prison. To help with this over crowding in prisons private companies over the past two decades have built, staffed, and profited from the incarceration of Americans. The work prisoners do in prison such as raising fish for the market, making clothing, producing manufacturing parts serves to make close to 25 billion dollars a year for private prisons according to the Department of Justice. Looking to build more private prisons only serves as an incentive for private companies to lobby for harsher laws to increase their profits.
2. Johnson wants to eliminate all foreign aid unless the US is directly effected.
In 2014 the US spent thirty five billion dollars in foreign aid which went to seventy seven percent of the worlds population. Via programs like economic development, food aid, health care and other worthy causes. Mr. Johnson say the US can not afford to keep spending so much on aid unless there is a direct threat to US interests. If you look at American Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2015 it totaled seventeen and half trillion dollars and the US spent thirty five billion which is two tenths of a percent of our total GDP. So is it really bankrupting the US?
3. He describes his political views as inspired by Ayn Rand.
If you have never heard of Ayn Rand or her teachings of philosophy I will give a brief over view. Rand promotes objectivism which states that you must in your own self interest at all times and pursue your own happiness to it highest moral aim. In short you must have everything you need physically, mentally, and materially before you can help others, and others only deserve to be helped if they can contribute. When a person running for president says he only wants to help himself first and the American people second that is a red flag.
4. Johnson wants to raise taxes and eliminate the IRS.
For over a decade Johnson has proposed a new tax code called Fair Tax. Fair Tax look to create a nationwide twenty three percent sales tax to increase federal revenue. It would also get rid of the IRS and do away with income tax to in Johnson's words "reboot the economy". What he is proposing is a complete dismantling of the US tax code and tax system and replacing with a an unproven plan that was vetoed four times in Congress.
5. He wants to make a quota system for hiring minorities and women.
Affirmative action was implemented in the late 1980's to allow racial minorities a fair chance to be hired for private and public sector jobs. Johnson believes that does not go far enough and wants to create a federal system that would require companies to a minimum number of specific minorities working for them. Instead of allowing a company to hire the best it can or just the people that best fit its business Johnson wants to dictate who can be hired and who can not, even if you are perfect for a job you could be turned down to due to the color of your skin or your ethnicity.