Summer is coming to an end and I wanted to share 5 things that mean that autumn is coming. Autumn means a lot of things to a lot of different people happy or sad. It’s just another season to for another year. Personally for me Fall 2016 means college and a step into adulthood. These are 5 ways you know summer is over and the Fall has come.
1. School buses and books
If you are out driving around during the last few weeks of `you will notice big yellow school buses driving around going over their routes for the school year. The new academic year is about to start, the children are going back to school. Going back to school also means school supplies and books. For college your bank account is being drained due to the outrageous price on books. Now I understand why my teachers used to complain if the textbooks never returned and would stress the price of the textbooks hoping you didn’t lose them.
2. Football
Football Season is now here!! High School football means Friday night lights. All of the town is at the field watching the team either be brutally beaten or cheerfully winning but no matter what always being prideful of their school colors.On a personal level, being a high school cheerleader the feeling of standing on the side lines and representing your town is a feeling you will never forget. Now going to an all girls college being in the stands on Fridays is no where close to feeling the same but no matter where i’m standing i will always bleed blue.3. Stores
4. Hoodies
ITS FINALLY SWEATSHIRT SEASON!! I love those chilly nights sitting around a bonfire with friends bundles up in a hoodie. I don’t speak for everyone but 97.4% of my fall/winter wardrobe is sweats, being comfortable is a key in life. Since the temperatures are lowering its getting chilly at night and it is always nice to have something light to throw on when the goose bumps hit you. Even if you are sitting on the couch cuddled up in your sweatshirt and blanket watching a hallmark marathon.
5. Autumn
Autumn is a beautiful season, from the pretty colors to all of the activities. More people are out around town because summer vacations have come to an end due to school and work. Driving on back roads or 309 the scenery is gorgeous and only for a few weeks until the leaves fall off and the snow comes. I can remember as a child watching the TV and seeing how a child’s parents would make piles of leaves for them to jump in and it would look so fun but when I would try it I would just feel the hard ground.
Summer ending does not mean that the fun is ending it just means you have to hand in the summer fun for some fall fun. Bathing Suit shopping will turn into sweater shopping and boating will turn into four wheeling. Fall is here and now a whole different kind of fun starts.