I know, I know. Writing is the worst. But in today's world of 140 character blurbs and constant office emails, writing is an incredibly important skill. Here are some reasons you should try to write every day.
1. To improve
This is the most obvious, I think. The more often you do something the better you get at it! Also, on a personal note, I have dyslexia, and writing can make me very uncomfortable. The more often I write, the more comfortable I feel writing.
2. To build a good habit
Some people swear by morning pages. The idea is that when you first wake up, you hand-write 3 pages of whatever comes to your mind, like a stream of conciousness. It's a great way to start the day.
3. To help with brainstorming
Writing can also help you come up with ideas. Legendary author Ray Bradbury used to brainstorm by writing down lists of words as he thought of them. This helped him come up with some of his great novels like Something Wicked This Way Comes.
4. To collect your thoughts
Get those thoughts out of your brain! Writing stuff down will help your thoughts become a little clearer, and it will also help you remember them better (and you can come back to look at them later!). This works whether you're journaling or just writing a to-do list!
5. To help you learn
Whether you're in school or not, writing can help you learn. If you take good notes, whether your in a class, a business meeting, or learning something new on Khan Academy, you'll retain the information better, and it can help you learn faster.