Be an English major, they said. It will be fun, they said. Well, in actuality nobody really said that. When I tell people I am an English major, I get the occasional eye roll followed by the statement, "You speak English so you should already succeed." With others, I am greeted with the statement, "Being an English major isn't even a real major, anybody can do it." This statement really gets me thinking and as I sit back, I wonder, if English is such an easy major, then why are more people not doing it. Actually, if English is such an easy major, then why am I not succeeding in it? I know why, so here are 5 reasons why I am the worst English major out there.
1. I Hate Writing Papers
Believe it or not, writing papers is vain of my existence. I know you are thinking, "Well then why are you an English major if you hate writing papers?" I honestly do not know.
2. I Am Terrible At Writing Papers
Every single time I tell people, my major, they say, "Oh, so you must be great at writing papers." No, my friend, I am not. In college, I have only received 3 A's on papers, most of them are C's. Apparently, I think too far out there. I didn't know that was such a thing.
3. Poetry Is Boring.
The sad thing is, I have to sign up for poetry classes, they are required. I can read and read and read poetry, but there has yet to be one poet that has caught my attention. I yawn in between every single line.
4. I Have A Small Vocabulary
The worst part about writing papers and getting the grades back is seeing my professor's remarks on the paper about my language/vocabulary being very simple. I am just one of those people that see no reason in fluffing up the language when it is not needed.
5. I Don't Understand Literature The First Time
One thing that I absolutely hate is when professors ask you to read something in class and then ask you what you think the author was trying to say. I am always that student that says, "The author is saying exactly what they write." Now granted, this is not every single time. I also am not the student that can come up with nice flourishing statements about novels or short stories or even poems I have just read, without reading them twice or doing research on them.