RebelTHON. You might ask yourself what this is. Well RebelTHON is a 12 hour dance marathon we have here at Ole Miss. There being over 150 other dance marathon's across the country. It starts at 3pm on February 18th and ends at 3am on February 19th. We have fundraisers and do events throughout the year to lead up to RebelTHON. All the money we raise goes to our Miracle Network Hospital, Blair E. Batson in Jackson, Mississippi. What we do is we dance for those who can't; the kids.
5. It's a fun way to spend your night
4. Everyone's doing it, duh.
I don't know why you wouldn't want to tbh.
3. Get yo workout in!!
I've never met someone who is completely in love with going to the gym. But hey you can your workout in and it's FUN. No need to visit the gym :)
2. It's the best weekend of the year
There are VERY few weekends I just look forward to every year but this is one of them. RebelTHON is so much fun and the night never gets boring.
1. For The Kids!!!
We are dancing for these adorable kids at Batson Hospital because they sadly cant. We dance to honor the families of the kids, their doctors and nurses.
They're these and so many other reason's to why you should sign up for RebelTHON. I went last year and I was worried it was going to be boring but man was I completely wrong!!! I had the most fun that night then I had in a long time.
With RebelTHON you know you're doing something good and right. Seeing the beautiful faces of the kids and their families at RebelTHON makes it all worth it and you then know that whatever you're going through in life is so little compared to the struggles these kids are facing. Yet they're so happy and their faces light up when a song they love comes on. It truly does make it worth it.
So, remember to sign up! The registration deadline is February 6th and the registration fee is $20 and that includes a t-shirt, and your meals. Also, there is a minimum of $100 you need to raise to be able to participate in it. But just think. That's as easy as asking 10 people you know (family, friends, co-workers, etc) to donate $10, and then you have your $100. So, sign up and bring your dancing shoes!!!