1. Even though some have their licenses, most of them don't even have a car.
They constantly need rides; buses, parents, and friends to drive them around everywhere. There is no where they can go that's over two miles. And grown-ups expect them to be independent. Well, they can't be independent if they're stuck with their parents all the time begging for rides.
2. Teenagers don't have money.
Some may have jobs, but the money retained from those jobs is mostly put into a savings account so that they don't go broke when college drains their blood, and sweat and tears. It's saddening to know that teenagers are expected to be adults when they're so dependent on everything.
3. They can't smoke or drink.
They have no liberties in the adult world. They can't even vote. At 18 they can be recruited into the army; a flaw in today's society. Their brains haven't even developed entirely yet the government thinks they have the capacity to choose to surrender their lives to their country. Sounds plausible.
4. They are prisoners of high school.
They don't have freedom. They can't even stay out past a certain time on school nights. They have very few liberties to decide what they want and they are prisoners to the many rules the government has bestowed upon them. It's quite sad when society thinks teenagers have many reasons to be responsible when parents give them so few.
5. What mom or dad says, goes.
Teenagers have no say in what their parents choose for them. Either they do it or they're out on the streets. Teenagers don't have choices when it comes to their parents, because their parents choose for them. Then, after high school, they're instantly forced to make all these life-changing decisions that could ruin their lives if they choose poorly. It's a design flaw, really. Life is just incredibly unfair. Teenagers, watch out. There's a big storm coming your way.