Consistently throughout history whenever states have public school budget cuts, art education is the first program to be eliminated. Many people have this idea in their heads that learning different art forms like, fine arts, music, drama etc. are not as important as core subjects like math or science. Although classes like calculus, statistics, and biology come up in everyone's daily life outside of school so does art and in the united states, many people overlook the impact art has in everyone's life. Here are five reasons why state governments need to stop budget cuts to art education.
1. Art helps improve visual and motor skills
Especially at the elementary level doing art activities like drawing or safety scissor activities help improve hand-eye coordination. Music at a young age also connects the two hemispheres of their brain, producing long- lasting improvements in communication and listening. Not to mention art as a child encourages creativity and imagination.
2) Communicate social challenges
Throughout history, different forms of art have been used to show social challenges. From graffiti art on the street, popular music, to cartoons in newspapers, art has successfully been away to get a message across a wide range population.
3. Improves performance
The more a student practices art, the more they get better at different forms of art, but it has also been proven that there is a correlation between involvement with art and other activities. Practicing art also improves a student's focus and confidence.
4. Promotes social interaction
Unlike other core subjects, art allows students to constantly interact with each other and bounce ideas back and forth. Also in higher level art classes, students learn how to properly present in front of large groups of people and develop better public speaking skills.
5. Teaching students art opens up opportunities for the future
In society, artistic jobs tend to be forgotten about. Society tends to focus attention on jobs in the medical or business fields rather than visual or performing arts. Art education in high school introduces students to careers like graphic design, industrial design, art historian, musician and much more.Like what Albert Einstein said "Creativity is contagious. Pass it on"