The world would be very lonely if we didn't have animals around. Sometimes, we get in those moods where we don't really want to see people. But if an animal you like comes up to you, even if you wanted to be alone, I'm sure you would love seeing them. Animals are totally awesome. Here are a few reasons why I think having a pet is the best.
Pets are always happy to see you.
Even if they don't always show it, your pets think you're pretty cool. You give them love and food, so automatically you're the most important person in their life. They literally wouldn't live without you. Some animals show it more than others, but they do all love you.
You can tell pets your deepest, darkest secrets.
No matter what you tell your pet, they won't tell anyone else! Besides, even if they did, it's not like anyone could understand their language. Of course, I'd suggest being careful what you say if you have a pet parrot. They actually could repeat some things you say.
Your pets won't talk back!
You never have to worry about getting in an argument with your pet because they can't talk back! Whether they agree or not, you'll never know; all you know is that they're listening to you! It's a nice change from a lot of the people around you. Arguments can be so tiring with people.
When you're living alone, you don't feel alone.
Sometimes, being alone can be, well, lonely. But if you have a furry friend or another type of pet, you'll still have someone to cuddle with and you won't feel as lonely! Be careful; some big dogs like to think they're small enough for your lap and they'll knock the air out of you. But you still love 'em, right?
At the end of the day, you always have your pet beside you.
People sometimes come and go. Your pets, however, are always there. Even though it seems like you picked them out at the pet store, sometimes they picked you, too, and you don't even realize it. You both needed each other, and you found each other.
Pets are some of the coolest things in the world. People can be cool, too; we all need someone who will understand and respond to us every once in a while, but pets are the good alternatives when we need a break from people. Don't forget to tell your pets you love them! They may not speak the same language as you, but they still understand you.