Everyone has their own little pack of loyal friends that they belong to and constantly text, snapchat, and hang out with. Without our little support group of our best gals, we would quite possibly go insane. Here's some things that I'm sure you and your pack of friends will relate to:
1.) The Group Message
If you ever want to discover a girls deepest and darkest secrets, simply, find some way to get into her group message with her closest friends. Once inside the group message, you are discovering a whole new world of drama, gossip, fashion advice, screenshots and much much more. The group message is where the most happens because most of the time, we can't wait till the next day to tell our friends about our latest boy craze.
2.) Fashion Sense
If you're ever in a predicament about what you should wear the next day, just snap your gals a picture of your contending outfits. Trust me, it works miracles getting someone else's opinion. But make sure you're getting the opinion of someone who's going to be real with you about whether or not they like your shoes with that dress.
via"http://giphy.com/gifs/fashion-Zj12XslNeygEw"via GIPHY
3.) Calling Each Other During A Crisis
Yes, we've all been here before. Whether you were the caller or the receiver, you still understand how essential this is to a friendship. It's good to have friends that will wake up when you know you call at 2am with your latest mistake. Although, the real friends are the ones that will call you when they know you're having a tough time with a situation. Those are the keepers.
4.) Knowing Each Other's Favorite Foods and Drinks
There's always that one person in the squad who comes through with the morning coffees or after school Sonic runs without you even asking. It gets even better when they don't expect anything in return. I hope, for your sake, that there is a person like this in your group because they are God's gift to you and also because who doesn't love some coffee after an all nighter of studying?
5.)Being There For Each Other
Being there for each other is probably the biggest one of them all. If you don't support and help out your girls in their time of need, then you need to step up your game, sister. Don't be the person who is constantly asking for advice on your issues but not helping the others out during their times of need. Being there and lifting each other up is a big factor in a strong group and a strong friendship.