Florida is my home. It's where I grew up and its always going to be the place I call home no matter where I end up. Yes, Florida does have some good qualities like the fact that you can go to the beach pretty much year round and Disney World is only a three-hour drive, however, Florida pretty much sucks other than that. So here are some reasons I’m saying peace out to good old Florida when I graduate from college.
1. I need seasons
Growing up in south Florida I have had one season. Summer. Or I guess in some cases there are two. Hot and slightly less hot. I have always been jealous of other states because they get seasons and growing up I thought it was the coolest thing. For once in my life, I want to see a leaf turn brown and fall off the tree and not a palm tree branch turning brown and falling off because it is dead. I need cold weather. I need fall. I love the cold and I love snow so much. I need something other that hot in my life.
2. It is hot ALL THE TIME
Yes, in the “winter” time it cools down to low 70s and sometimes even cooler than that. In the morning you will go outside and feel that it is pretty cold so naturally, you put on some jeans and a sweatshirt. What you don’t realize is that by noon it will get right back up to 80 degrees and you will regret that decision to wear that sweatshirt because you will now be sweating in that sweatshirt.
3. Many people here are rude AF
I don’t understand why people in Florida have to be so mean. The further up the state you go, the nicer the people. Take people the Carolina's for a second. I love that area for many reasons but one of the main reasons is the fact that the majority of people there are SO NICE. It's like an entire different group of people. Many people in that area don’t look at you like you have twelve eyes when you ask them question, or when you say hello, many will actually respond! I know it's crazy right! People actually saying hello back!
4. Humidity man
I like to straighten my hair but Florida’s mother nature does not like me straightening my hair so it decides to bring in some nice humidity to make my hair nice and poofy again. Thanks! Mother nature I love you so dearly.
5. People can not drive
Yes, I know everywhere you go you will find people that just suck at driving. It's everywhere however, I do not know why but people in south Florida in particular just do not know how to use a vehicle. They just suck at driving especially in Miami. You know you have hit Miami when the driving scale goes from bad, to terrible. In fact, today I was stuck behind someone going 35 mph in a 50 mph zone. LOVE IT.