They say that for every person out there, there’s a form of music that speaks to them. Whether it’s light bubble gum pop of dancers, the grungy rock of metalheads or the storytelling beats of hip hop listeners. Music has so many different facets that reach people on different levels, but have you ever wondered if it effects you? Or even how?
1. Music Heals
Remember the moment after your miserable break up when you were laying on your bed wondering if anyone would ever understand what it was you were feeling? John Mayer did, and that vibrato in his voice may have been the one thing that made sense out of the water pouring out of your face.
2. Music Motivates
Nothing says a great workout like a playlist to help you power through it! Music just has a way of putting that extra oomph in every rep. Set after set. It can be helpful in any circumstance where you're not motivated enough to push through your workout of the day.
3.Music makes you move
Picture it. You're standing front row at a local concert with your friends. Hands are floating high as the performers are doing their thing on the stage. It gets so infectious that you can't help but lift your hands up too! Joining in with the hyped crowd moving along with the music.
4. Music honors an occasion
For every happy, sad, or indifferent time that you've had in your life can you name a song that accompanied that moment? Graduation day? A family member's wedding? You'd be surprised what a song could do for an occasion and how it can set the moment.
5. Music Relates
Doesn't matter if what it is that you are going through in your day, whether it's a rough patch on your way to work or a triumph after a competition there is always a soundtrack to help display your moment of truth. For any event that's taking place in your life, there is at least one song out there that can help solidify what it is that's taking place.
6. Music is fun
Remember the time your friends pressured you into singing karaoke when you didn't want to, and then afterwards you ended up having a blast? Although it can be embarrassing, just singing can be the one thing that can separate a boring experience to a fun one. Try it.
Music can mean different things depending on the type of person you are. Maybe it's what helps you get through your hardship, or maybe it's a fun to help you pass the time but on a universal level, it speaks to us all. Regardless of where you feel you are in the social category, emotional plane, or personal lifestyle, there is a form of music out there for you.