In life, we are faced with so many decisions. At this point in mine, with a wedding just around the corner, I am faced with the "should I or should I not have kids" dilemma. I have always pictured myself as a mom, but just because I want something or think that I want something, doesn't mean that I should do it. I'm trying to figure out if I always wanted kids because I actually want children or because that's what I thought I was supposed to want.
I can't come up with a whole lot of reasons why I should have kids, but I've come up with these reasons why I might choose not to have any. Maybe you're facing the same roadblock that I am.
1. There are so many other ways to be fulfilled as a human being.
I believe that people can be fulfilled as a human being in many ways. Women are often told, indirectly or maybe even directly, that their sole purposes are to be wives and mothers. In the world, there are so many other important roles that need to be filled by strong, beautiful women. That doesn't necessarily mean you need to birth a child to be valuable to others and to society.
2. I don't want to share my significant other with anyone.
I was told once that if I wanted children, I was going to have to be OK with my husband loving someone more than they love me. The notion that love can only be divided between mother and child, rather than multiplied, turns me off to the idea of having children.
3. I couldn't imagine bringing children into the world we are living in today.
The world we are living in today is an absolute nightmare. It's not necessarily safe for those of us living in it right now and there doesn't seem to any improvement in sight for future generations. I can only imagine how awful the world will be after this next election!
4. I don't want to put my body through pregnancy.
You always hear about how a pregnant mother is glowing. I don't know what everyone else is seeing, but I don't see a glow. I see someone making another person inside of them who is constantly sweaty, swollen and uncomfortable. And that's all before this child comes into the world tearing their downstairs to bits and grabbing onto body parts on its way out.
5. I like having the freedom to live my life on my terms.
During my entire adult life, I have had the freedom to do whatever I want and go anywhere I want to go. When you have children, you have to be willing to give all of up that up for that child. You are now living life on their terms, not yours. I enjoy being able to life my life on my own terms.