Any news junkie can tell you about biased sources. In fact, the apps that I use for news are organized by bias on my phone. Fox, the Wall Street Journal, and Drudge Report are in one folder, while the New York Times, Politico, and Washington Post are in a separate one. Journalistic bias, while misleading if undetected, provides readers with exposure to different opinions and the opportunity to challenge their own thinking. The healthiest thing for any politically active citizen is to be exposed to those who disagree with them.
From the first time, the New York Times (NYT) misinterpreted Donald Trump’s rhetoric in his comments on Megyn Kelly, I knew this was going to be a bias-rich year. Obviously, the NYT was willing to stretch the realm of logic, but I was simply shocked. It was demeaning to see a newspaper morph a common expression, of blood coming out of someone when they’re angry, into a comment on menstrual cycles. The NYT was excluding women from our vernacular of regularly-used expressions by establishing that whenever women bleed, they must be menstruating. And to top it off, they called him the sexist.
I could see how obsessed the liberal media was getting with Donald Trump as I got more and more senseless notifications from the NYT daily; citing fraud at Trump University, exposing the failure of his Trump Steak enterprise, and continuously giving him front-page coverage. These liberal outlets were not even citing him for his real newsworthy actions; his becoming a conservative almost overnight and his total lack of knowledge on policy or diplomacy. They became obsessed with the little, irrelevant, details. His name appears on the cover of NYT almost every single day. I have narrowed it down to five reasons why liberals are so shamelessly obsessed with him:
1. He says offensive things
He does not care if you are hurt, feel victimized, or are worried about his perpetuating hateful stereotypes. He says absurd things because he has figured out how to capitalize on liberal hurt feelings; the more extreme he gets, the more free media attention liberals dole out.
2. He is a successful, white, male
Born and raised on million dollar loans, he has made a lot of money. He does not care that his family was rich to begin with, or that he has had inevitable advantages because of his skin color. He’s too busy cruising around on his private jet to wipe liberal tears.
3. He is a bully
Aside from the nationalistic rhetoric that many white people think offends minorities, he consistently relies on bullying tactics. He lets everyone on stage lodge reasonable attacks at him and then cuts back with under-the-belt comments. These low-blows are intentionally crude and derisive because he knows none of his opponents are willing to go as far as he is.
4. He is popular
Liberals don’t understand how someone like Donald Trump could be so well-received. Given that they probably don’t interact with middle or lower-class workers, it would be hard for liberals to understand that the majority of people don’t think being successful is evil. In fact, a lot of people are working hard because they aspire to one day be as successful as Donald Trump. Also, a lot of people like America; people who haven’t been coddled or who are aware of what it’s actually like to live outside of the US are able to appreciate capitalism and nationalism.
5. The media doesn’t listen to what he actually says
He needs a translator on stage for liberals. He has said on multiple occasions that his wall will have a big door for legal immigration. He has also explained his shocking ban on Muslim immigration as being temporary and not based on hate, but based on a desperate need for better national security.
He went to college. He has a family, with daughters and granddaughters. He does not hate all women, believe all Mexicans are thieves or think all Muslims are terrorists. I don’t like him, but I’m aware of the reality that he is not the caricature that the media is so infatuated with.