I am often asked numerous times why I love kids so much, so here you go.
1) Non Judgmental
One of my favorite things about kids is that they don't judge others. They don't care how big or small you are. They don't care how short or tall you are. Their only concern is how well you play checkers and how many snacks you will allow them to eat. It's the best feeling in the world to able to be yourself around kids.
2) They're adorable
This one is a given. I mean, come on, how can their cute little faces not put a smile on your face?
3) They're hilarious
Children tend to not filter anything, and it's actually pretty funny. If your hair is not looking too good, trust me, they notice and they will let you know. If they don't like your outfit, trust me, they will let you know. If you win a game of cards, then you cheated. They will come up with the funniest reason of how you cheated and they won. Kids really do say the darndest things. And the things they argue over are pretty great too. And I can't help but laugh when I hear two kids arguing over whose toy car is faster.
4) Their hearts are bigger than ours
If you have ever worked with children, you know just how big their hearts are. Some see it as being sensitive, I see it as having a soft heart. You get annoyed hearing them cry because their friend said they weren't friends anymore, but I see a big heart that just wants to be accepted. I promise you, the only thing they want is to be accepted by their friends and us adults. They also love hearing what a good job they're doing. They always want to help you and keep you motivated.
5) They give the best hugs
I could be having the worst day and be in the worst mood, but then I go to work, and as soon as I walk in the building, I have 20 children surrounding me in a hug. And just like, I am instantly in a better mood. It's one of the best feelings to know that they're so excited to see you.
I often hear that it takes a special person to work with children, and, well, I agree. It takes patience and a big heart. I find myself to be a child person, instead of a people person. I would rather spend my day with children over adults any day.
Who doesn't enjoy free hugs and chocolate-smeared smiles?