1. He's doesn't belong to the Republican or Democratic Party.
Gary Johnson is the candidate for the Libertarian Party and he describes himself as "fiscally conservative and socially liberal." He does not swear any allegiance to either of the two major parties in our political system and I think for this reason, he is a viable option for people that do not like Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
2. He believes in strong term limits.
Gary Johnson was the Governor of New Mexico from 1995-2003 as a Republican. He realizes that term limits are non-existent in today's government and tend to create career politicians, who grow complacent with their job. Johnson believes that if you put term limits on Congressmen, politicians will start to take the job more seriously and start to enact change.
3. He wants to reform the education system.
Johnson is an outspoken advocate for an universal education choice program and he wants to eliminate the Department of Education if elected President. He believes that educational standards should be left to the states, where freedom of curriculum and other policies can be made appropriately to improve our school systems.
4. He doesn't want to put increased cyber security on the World Wide Web.
The current federal government has long been trying - and occasionally succeeding - to pass legislation in further censoring and creating a "safer" Internet. Johnson believes that the Internet is a place that has flourished because of lack of this so called "cybersecurity". Agencies like the NSA shouldn't be monitoring your every movement and he wants to put an end to that.
5. He wants to realistically protect our borders, but not with a bigger wall.
Most, if not all the people, I have talked to have said one of the major reasons they aren't voting for Trump is because of the border plan he has proposed. I, too, find it completely ridiculous and somewhat impossible for someone even with his finances and prestige to complete a wall along our southern border. But Johnson has a more realistic plan, due to his experience of being the Governor of a border state. He wants to focus on the law enforcement of these borders and root out the corrupt cops that are allowing immigrants to pass over. He also wants to increase the amount of spending towards keeping the Border Patrol well equipped and with enough manpower to take down hostile immigrants.