I've participated in an equine-facilitated therapeutic program since I was small, so I think it's fair for me to say that horses are wonderful. I owe them more than I could ever hope to repay, especially for being my friends. For the folks who aren't lucky enough to have befriended a horse, here are some reasons why you should consider it!
1. It's easier to tell what horses are thinking.
Like us, horses use body language to communicate emotions and intentions. They use their whole bodies, of course, but horses' ears are an easy "flag" for a person to pick up on, as shown in the image above. If your horse flattens his or her ears, for example, that means, "I am mad." I have often wished that human emotions were demonstrated so visibly. And having the ability to move my ears would be pretty cool.
2. We've got history.
Never take this for granted. Horses are domesticated animals, but they don't automatically tolerate someone riding or working them. They are trained for it. As a species, we owe horses for thousands of years of helping us get from Point A to Point B and lending a hoof with tough tasks. They've even died on battlefields with us. More recently, we've discovered how horses can help people with disabilities! I'm proof of that: not only did I learn to walk, but I learned to ride, too!
3. Unlike people, horses don't care about [insert human topic here].
Your horse does not care if you've got issues with acne or a less-than-perfect score on an exam. He or she will not whisper nasty things about you behind your back and then harass you more when you're online. As long as horses are properly cared for, trained and loved, they're happy just to have you around. Because horses are individuals just like us, their emotions may vary (when I was a kid I rode a horse who adored me but hated a friend of mine for no discernible reason), but at least they won't treat you like gossip for the mill. I can't tell you how many times I've been cheered up by a horse's quiet understanding.