1. They tell you like it is.
Girls will beat around the bush, they’ll tell you the boy you’re madly in love with just has to like you back…because they don’t want to hurt you. Your boy best friend will be blunt. He’ll tell you that you’re texting the boy you’re “head over heels” for way too often. He’ll tell you when you’re most likely annoying the poor soul that you’re “in love” with. But most importantly he’ll tell you when that guy is just not that into you….
2. You always have someone to “bro out” with.
I am a girl and I will be the first person to say, girls are downright annoying. As girls we get sick of each other and we wonder how guys don’t argue…because they lack the drama that us girls feed off of, they just like to have a good time…they just like to “bro out.” I think honestly sometime your boy best friend will forget you’re a girl, I know about 99 perfect of the time mine does. But if they treated you like a girl…he would not be your boy best friend, and you’d miss out on one of the most important parts about getting to have a boy best friend…the “broing out” part. These conversations are some of the funniest conversations you’ll ever have, so when this happens you should thank your lucky stars you have the honor of being a “bro.”
3. Shoulder to cry on.
Sure you can cry to your girlfriends, but really they’re just going to coddle you until you THINK you’re okay. As a girl I cry over the dumbest things, and my boy best friend never fails to answer the phone when I need him…but here’s the difference he’ll listen, but he’ll also tell you when enough is enough. He’ll tell you when you need to put the ice-cream down because calories do exist, he’ll tell you that yes your makeup now looks horrible and you can’t go out in public like that, and he’ll tell you when now you’re just being dumb…don’t worry he’ll say it all out of love though.
4. He’ll be the first person to defend your honor.
Your girl friends will tell you to leave the boy who’s hurting you, but they’ll also tell you they “support your choice no matter what it is.” Your guy best friend will take your phone when he sees you texting the jerk that’s made you cry dozens of time and threaten him until he leaves you alone, cause you’re not strong enough to do it yourself. A guy wants to make a crude comment about you? Call you a slut or something worse? Well like I said your boy best friend will be the first person to defend your honor…and punch him in the face.
5. You won’t have to worry about ending up alone.
When you’re worried you’ll end up alone with 30 cats he’ll assure you that won’t happen. He’ll tell you there’s millions and millions of people on this planet and I guess if none of them will deal with you I’ll still put up with you. So yes do not trade your girl friends for the world, but having a boy best friend is extremely important.