If you’re like me, your dad has always been one of the most influential people in your life. Besides giving you half his DNA, he has always been there supporting you and lifting you up when you feel down. He’s the man you can go to for practically everything that you don’t go to mom for first (just kidding). Sometimes it can be hard to describe exactly the ways your dad has been there for you, and sometimes (when you’re really mad and full of teen angst) it seems impossible. But, if you look hard enough, you will find all the reasons why dads are the best.
1. No matter what your dad likes to do, he will always love what you do more.
My dad played ice hockey and football his entire life and sports are his true passion. That contrasted with my love for the arts, singing and theatre in particular. But it didn’t matter. He never missed a single performance and always let me help him understand what exactly I like to do. Dads are always willing to learn new things, even if it's completely outside their comfort zone. If it means something to you, it means something to them.
2. Dads keep it real, even when that isn’t what you want to hear.
When I had my first broken heart and I was wallowing in a puddle of tears and hormones, my dad sat me down and told me that yes, it is likely that this will happen again (to which my response was an outstanding wail). But he also said that no boy, no evil-ex-best-friend, and no horrible boss or teacher should take my light away. And, of course, he was right. Dads are innate geniuses.
3. Dads don’t care about what you look like.
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4. Dads will always come to the rescue.