You break your ankle. You hurt your knee. You strain your hamstring. You know what is coming next. Those awful words from the doctor. "You will have to be on crutches." Anyone who has been on crutches knows the awful pain they cause. Here are the top five reasons why being on crutches is actually the worst thing ever.
1. The Chaffing
Anyone who has ever been on crutches knows the awful red bumps they cause on your arms and sides. Just imagine, your balancing a hard piece of plastic between your arm and side. You think that those sheepskin pads would help, but two days later those welts come crawling back. Don't even get me started on being on crutches in the heat.
2. Not Having Hands
So you already lost your foot, and now you have to lose of BOTH your hands. How are you supposed to get food? You try to hold your phone and the handle, and you just end up dropping your phone every five seconds. Having to have someone carry around your stuff all the time sound nice at first, but anyone who has been on crutches knows it gets old really fast.
3. Being Slow
Want to go on a walk with your friends? Well I hope your like going at a snails pace. Those two pieces of metal will only allow you to go so fast; and, if you try to push them, all you'll get is a face full of concrete.
4. Never being able to be Stealthy
Click. Click. Click. That's all that anybody hears. People can hear you from a mile away. Animals will run away from you because you sound so scary. I hope you like people knowing where you are all the time!
5. Stairs
Whether you try to hop up them, balance on your knee, or just give up and go on your butt, I promise you this will be the most frustrating thing you do. If you think you walk slow, going up a flight of stairs can take you up to a half an hour, and will definitely make you work up a swat. Better just stay on the first floor. So when you hear those words, "You need crutches", you now know what fun you're in for. But don't worry, you'll only be on them for a short period of time!