1. The price difference may be the biggest reason.
Community college is usually only $3,000 - $4,000 a year, while a university or state college costs $20,000 plus per year. You can save so much money just by attending a community college even if it's just for your freshman and sophomore year.
2. The campuses are usually smaller at community colleges.
Most community colleges are only one building with multiple floors versus many buildings that are far apart. It's easier to get to class by just running up the stairs rather than running across campus just to get to your next class.
3. There are less people who attend a community college rather than a large university.
For me, it was going to a school that had less people that helped transition into college because, I came from a small school. There is also more opportunity for building close relationships with your peers.
4. I get to live at home and commute which is cheaper than paying room and board.
An added bonus to living at home is you still get to eat home cooked meals and sleep in your own bed.
5. There is more opportunity to succeed.
With the college being smaller, the professors have more time to help you be the best you can be. They have more programs to help you study and with it being a smaller school more study groups are formed.
Choosing the college that's right for you is hard. But when making that chose keep these factors in mind because I am glad I chose to attend a community college.