"Chilling Adventures of Sabrina," the television show that has aired on Netflix starting back in October of 2018 released its last and final part in December of 2020. It was a bittersweet goodbye that no one wanted to face head on. I won't leave any spoilers because hey, it's been a busy year, we don't all have time to binge watch right away.
However, I will leave you all with this, if you are anything like me, the ending that was given did not suffice. I felt it was cut way too short and the season was a bit rushed. This is not a critique though so let's move on to the focal point of why I am writing this today.
The thirty six episode series is not being continued and I think all CAOS fans would agree with me when I say there are several reasons why there should be another season to come.
Here are five reasons why the cast should continue as their characters to give us all what we want, one more season (or hey, many more seasons):
1. More Character Growth Needed!
I have seen major growth in both Sabrina and Nick, however, I feel there could have been more focus on characters such as Harvey. His character seemed stagnant towards the end of the series.
2. The Fixing of Broken Bonds
I won't name any specifics for those who haven't finished, but there were some relationships that I wish had recovered completely that hadn't due to no more time.
3. Character Reactions
Honestly, the end of Part 4 had me shocked as it probably did many of you. I would have liked to see more of a deep reaction of the ending by each specific character, and I think a new season could dive into that.
4. More Action!
A new season is another excuse for more action filled and anxiety ridden moments, who can say no to that?
5. A deeper look into Hell
I mean yeah we got to see some trips taken to the realm of Hell. Although, I think it would've been cool to take an even deeper look into the specific parts and maybe some specific demons within it.