If you are like any other college student, this point in the semester probably has you pulling your hair out (figuratively and physically). The week(s) prior to the exam period are definitely called "Hell" in my book. College campuses are echoed with statements like "This assignment has been on the syllabus all semester!" coming from professors, and "I'm one assignment away from a mental breakdown" coming from students.
We're all just ready for summer.
So, let's talk about why I am excited about summer.
Reason #1: Professional Experience
For many college students, internships are on the horizon. Whether you have an internship or not, there are still limitless opportunities for professional experience. For my situation, I am very excited to start my internship as soon as possible. I am fortunate enough to have a 12-week internship program waiting for me. This internship will allow me to test my knowledge regarding what I have been studying.
Reason #2: Family
Now, I am fortunate enough to live only a couple hours from home. That said, I am still happy to come home to see my family. Although it seems as though they get on my last nerve, it will be nice to see them after a couple of months. If you live more than several hours away, then you might be jumping out of your skin.
Reason #3: My Dog
I cannot stress enough how excited I'll be to see my dog every day. It so sad having to go home for a quick break and not being able to spend quality time with my dog. The joy that comes from her face everything she sees me is what I look forward to the most. I feel bad for you if you own a cat...
Reason #4: Money, Money, Money!
Although money is not the most important value to me, I still highly believe that it is a way to free your life up. Again, I am very fortunate to have a paid internship where I'll be making money to pay the bills. But, for those who do not have an internship, you are probably very excited to receive a paycheck from your summer job after what has been months without a paycheck.
Reason #5: I Get My Time Back
Summer is a time where you can be free! I am so excited to be able to take control of my life and not have to rely on people, classes, or tests/assignments to do what I want. Granted, I do have a job and will take summer classes, but at least my life will not feel like a roller coaster of tasks that change every week between 5 classes. Besides, Ill eventually be completely free in the beginning of August. Can anyone say "beach?"
So, these are the main reason why I cannot wait for summer to begin. There are so many other reasons; however, I am currently procrastinating on projects that need to be completed. Just another day in paradise, am I right? I do wish you well on your exams, though, and I hope you have a very fulfilling summer. Good luck!