"Don't grow up too fast", is what every adult says. Once your adult there is no turning back. You have to enjoy being a child for as long as you can because growing up is not always fun. Being an adult means more responsibility and time to make choices that will affect your future. Becoming an adult is not all bad but sometimes you just really miss being a kid.
1. You didn't have any responsibilities.
When you were younger the only responsibility you had was taking care of your pet. Being adult means responsibilities. Some responsibilities adults have to do are pay bills, do chores, work, and etc. When you are younger your parents have to pay the bills and work while you just enjoy being a kid.
2. You didn't have to worry about school.
When you were younger school was so much easier. Your classes didn't depend on your career. Your whole degree didn't depend on passing one class. School was fun when you were younger because of all the activities and projects you got to do. When your older your classes mainly consist of tests and presentations.
3. You didn't have to worry about the future.
When you were younger you had the whole world at your fingertips. You could be whoever you wanted and not worry about job security. The future is bright for you and you don't have to worry about picking a career to do for the rest of your life.
4. You didn't have to work.
When you were younger your only jobs were putting the garbage cans away, cleaning your room, walking your dog, or etc. Being an adult means working because you can't pay bills without money. "Once you start working, you can never stop", is a say I heard growing up. This say is very true because once you start having bills you need to work to pay them.
5. You didn't have to worry about your appearance.
When you were younger you didn't really care about your clothes and how you looked. You just needed to wear something you could get dirty and play in. Once you become an adult sweatpants and t-shirts can't be your daily outfit. You have to look presentable for certain jobs. When you were a kid your clothes were the least of your worries which is how it should be all the time.
Being an adult can have many advantages but even with those advantages, life was just easier younger. When you were younger you had the whole world at your fingertips with so many paths to choose from. The decisions you had to make younger were less serious than the ones you have to make as an adult. All in all, don't grow up too fast because you miss out on the small things. Cherish being young because you won't be young forever.