I come from a relatively big family, I have two brothers and two sisters. I am the oldest of the bunch with my brother in his senior year of high school, my sister in her junior year, my youngest brother in his freshman year, and my littlest sister in Kindergarten. I am the first to go to college and the first of the four of us to do pretty much everything else. Here are five reasons why being called big sister is the best.
1. You Get To Be The Role Model For Your Younger Siblings
While this is a lot of responsibility, there is not anything better than knowing someone looks up to you. It helps me make sure I am setting a good example for my sisters and brothers.
2. Getting To Have More Independence First
First to drive, first to go to high school, first to see an R-rated movie, first to stay home alone...the list is endless. This can make younger siblings extremely jealous and can also ruin their chances at it if you mess it up. However, your siblings will take advantage of your freedom and constantly ask for rides to soccer practice or to the movies.
3. You Get To Stand Up For Your Siblings If Someone Is Mean To Them
I am the only one who is allowed to pick on my sisters and brothers. If anyone is mean to them, they have to talk to me. And I am not nice when it comes to protecting those I love.
4. Watching Them Grow Into Some Pretty Amazing People![]()
There is nothing better than seeing your little siblings find something they love and become passionate about it. I love seeing my youngest brother sing and act and my other brother play basketball. I enjoy seeing my sister kick butt at soccer. And I love watching my youngest sister grow and find her passion for learning. They will always be little to me even though most of them surpassed me in height long ago.
5. Having Built-in Best Friends![]()
From teaching my sister how to shave her legs to talking about the funny things that happen at school, my siblings are some of my best friends and I know that they can count on me to be there for them and they will be there for me. We laugh together and drive each other nuts, but I am so lucky to have them in my life.
Even though my siblings can be a huge pain, there is nothing I love more than having the title of big sister.
This article is dedicated to: Dylan, Emily, Tommy, and Brooklyn. I love you all very much and I can't wait to come home next week!