Season 10 of American Horror Story is beginning production in the upcoming months, so here are my hot takes.
Evan had been absent from the last season of AHS and I for one definitely missed him. With Evan back into this new season, I believe that alone will help bring this season to a great ending.
Macaulay Culkin (Possible SINK)
My simple question is, what does Macaulay Culkin bring to AHS? I only know him from Home Alone, and I swear if they reference his scream in this season, I will be disappointed. Yes, AHS can be funny at times, but it is not meant to poke fun and be ironic towards past films that it's cast has been in. Lastly, I don't want to see him have sex with Kathy Bates. That is all I have to say about that.
Absence of Cody Fern (SINK)
When AHS brought Cody Fern with his debut as the Antichrist, he was a blessing to the show. Last season's "camp counselor" role as Xavier was a perfect role casted. Unfortunately, Cody Fern will not be returning as a season regular this season. This just is a tragedy and I would like to speak to whoever made that decision.
Stick To Their Roots (SAIL)
As most AHS fans know that after season 4, the show had its decline. This was very upsetting because the show started off so strong with Murder House, Asylum, Coven and Freak Show. Once the show hit Hotel, the show started to take a turn for the worse. It just didn't have it's same feel like it did. My personal belief is the loss of Jessica Lange. Once season 7 came along, it started to pick back up again. I am hoping that this season will return to a slightly homey feeling as if it were from the beginning of the series.
Sarah Paulson is back. The queen herself has returned. An obvious sail.