Tired of ramen and microwave pizza pockets? This article can help you switch up boring everyday meals and also encourage you to eat healthier. Maybe you've heard of vegetarians and vegans. If you're a little lost on both concepts, no worries. If you're a vegetarian, you cut out meat products, but can keep dairy and egg products. If you're vegan, you cut out any food that has animal products in it; including honey. Being vegan isn't as terrible as you may think, it's a great way to try different types of foods, different ways! Here are five reasons why vegan cooking is great for college.
1. Affordable.
While being at college with a tight budget, vegan cooking is super cheap and affordable. Because you are buying – mostly – fresh vegetables, you can get away with buying in bulk for a really cheap price. One of my favorite recipes, by Vegangela, is a quick Indian curry with quinoa that costs me about $7.50 to make and feed myself and two other roommates for about 2-3 days. Vegan cooking doesn’t have to be expensive salads every day; you just have to get creative.
2. More veggies.
In my experience being at university with a vegan roommate, it is so much easier to get my fulfilment of veggies for that day in one meal. Cooking vegan gives you opportunities to use many different kinds of veggies that you might not use on a regular basis. I’ve eaten more kale and carrots in the last two months than I have in the last year. You will also get, as we all know, plenty of nutrients from eating an array of vegetables. Which is a bonus for your body!
3. Less meat.
Obviously, if you’re eating more vegetable, you’re eating less meat. But why should you eat less meat? Eating less meat greatly reduces your risk for heart disease. It will better your skin by not eating food with a high fat content. If you are into animal rights and environmentalism, vegan-ism can be a good option. I would recommend you do plenty of research about what it takes to go vegan if you are considering this lifestyle change.
4. Easy transition to and from.
If you aren’t as inclined to become vegan – or you just can’t give up a good piece of chicken like me – it’s easier to take vegan recipes and add meat or dairy to them than take regular meals and fix them to fit into the vegan category. Because my other roommate isn’t vegan, her and I will make a vegan meal and cook meat on the side. It’s a good system. I recommend using this method to ease the transition.
5. It’s not all salad.
I find vegan recipes a great opportunity to practice with different flavors and using all kinds of spices. It’s really fun to search for all the different recipes people have put out and how easy it is to make this food on a daily basis or for an extended time. One of my favorite breakfast items I make is pumpkin muffins. Really easy to whip up and they are the most delicious thing warmed and coupled with a smear of peanut butter. There are so many different affordable options that are quick and for any college student.