Vegan: One who does not consume animal products in any way. No meat, no fish, no dairy, no insects! (Though who would want to eat insects?) You may be thinking to yourself right now, “But what about bacon?” Just hang in there, friend. Here are five reasons why I went vegan, and you should too!
1. It’s good for the environment!
Climate change is by far the most important issue that faces our generation. The results of this possible tragedy range from starvation and disease to severe natural disasters. Fortunately, there is something you can do to help! Going vegan helps combat climate change by decreasing pollution from farms, rainforest destruction from clearing land for farms, and water pollution/waste from farms. It takes 100 times less water to produce a pound of plant-based food than it does a pound of meat.
2. It’s good for you!
Disclaimer: It is possible to do any diet unhealthily, and being vegan needs to be done correctly and safely just as any traditional diet would.
The most common misconception I hear about veganism is, “So you don’t eat protein?” Protein ≠ meat. There is a whole expanding world of substitutes! You’ll have a reduced chance of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, arthritis, and even osteoporosis! Did you know Silk® soymilk has 15 percent more calcium than 2 percent milk.
3. It’s good for other people!
What? Your diet can affect other people? Yes! If we stopped pouring our resources into feeding livestock, we could work towards ending world hunger with the same resources. Not everyone can afford a steak, but grain can go a long way.
4. It’s good for the animals!
Another huge misconception about vegans is that they care more about animals than they do for humans. Notice that the benefit of animals is number 4 on the list! Caring for animals is extremely important, but it’s not the only reason to go vegan! Because we are all connected in an intimate ecosystem, a gain for some is a gain for all. I could include horribly sad facts about innocent baby animals, but I think this reason has power without elaboration.
5. It’s good for your pocket!
“How can you afford to be vegan?” Meat is usually the most expensive part of a meal. Subtracting this factor from the equation on its own can help you save money. However, say you opt for a meat substitute. It will still likely be the most expensive item on the plate, but it will be less expensive than its counterpart. Compare the price of a pound of tofu to a pound of beef! (Typically 4 dollars cheaper).
These are the reasons why I went vegan. Maybe they will inspire you to join me! Good luck!