5 Reasons I Wish Tom Brady Was My Husband | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons I Wish Tom Brady Was My Husband

Because who wouldn't want to be married to Tom Brady!?

5 Reasons I Wish Tom Brady Was My Husband

Tom Brady is the most popular guy in New England, so much so that he has even received a few votes for president. No one worships him more than the die-hard New England Patriots fans. With that being said, if you’re reading this I assume you are a die-hard Patriots fan who loves Tom Brady more than you love to breathe. If you’re reading this and you aren’t a Patriots fan I’m not sure why you clicked on this article. You probably hate Tom Brady, which means I probably hate you. There are a million reasons to love Tom Brady and only one reason to hate him (he did not deflate those footballs). While his obvious success on the football field is impressive to say the least, it’s his off the field antics that leave your heart melting. Every girl in New England wishes they could be Gisele. Here's why:

1. Just Look at that Face!

Not only is Tom Brady the best quarterback in football he’s also the best looking one. From those piercing blue eyes to his constantly changing hair, Brady has women (and even men) swooning throughout New England. As if that gorgeous face wasn’t enough, Brady’s fashion sense is impeccable. From press conferences to a casual strolls through the city, Tom Brady is always looking dapper.

2. Great Taste in Jewelry

This picture speaks for itself. Tom Brady’s taste in jewelry is exquisite. As his wife I would definitely benefit from this luxury. I guarantee I would never be disappointed!

3. Amazing with Children/Sense of Humor

To most people, one important characteristic when finding their future husband is whether or not he is good with kids. As scene in this photo, not only is Tom Brady good with kids, he is Father of the Year. What other professional athlete or celebrity do you know that would dress up as a turkey to have some fun in the backyard with their children? Could you think of anyone? Yeah me either. Tom Brady, his sense of humor, and the way he is with his children makes him total husband material.

4. He Loves Dogs

Tom Brady’s love for dogs is another reason us New Englanders love him for more than just his football talents. Not only does he choose the best names for his dogs, he also makes sure they are dressed up in his jersey on game day. If Brady was my husband I would be one lucky lady, living in a house full of puppies wearing Tom Brady jerseys!

5. One Word: GOAT

A four time Super Bowl Champion, three time Super Bowl MVP, two time NFL MVP, and 11 time Pro Bowler, there is no question that Tom Brady is the greatest of all time. Love him or hate him, there is no arguing the success of this future hall of famer. With that being said, who wouldn’t’ want to be married to the G.O.A.T? Gisele is one lucky lady!

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