Running is a "love it or hate it" sport that many people have tried at least once in their lives, whether as a competitive sport or just in their free time. While it can be a challenge for many people, it is an effective way of weight loss that is common in society. However, running can benefit the human body in many ways, other than just trying to fit into your skinny jeans!
Get ready to dust off your running shoes, here are five reasons why running needs to be a part of your life!
Running is great for your heart healthÂ
While your heart might not be something that you are worried about now, running can help lower your risk for heart disease later in life. According to Dr. Delucia from Bronson Health, running can lower your chances of getting heart disease by 35 to 55 percent! Running can also be effective in helping your blood flow through your body more efficiently.
Running plays a key role in elevating your moodÂ
Feeling down, stressed, or overwhelmed? Go for a run! When you go for a jog, endorphins are released in your body that are shown to reduce anxiety and depression. Running can also serve as a time to "meditate" or plan your day to manage stress.
Running can boost your self-confidenceÂ
Ask anyone who runs and they will probably tell you how much better they feel about their health or appearance after a run. Setting goals and achieving them through running can give you a sense of empowerment, as well as boost your self-esteem!
It can lead to new friends or strengthened relationshipsÂ
Nothing is better than having a running buddy or team to share your progress with! Running can lead to forming running groups, making a new friend down the hall that you can run with, or even just spending quality time with your mom on a run. The deep conversations that you have to fill the air while running can lead to lifelong bonds. You don't have to do it alone, just call up a friend!
Running can boost your immune systemÂ
Do you tend to get sick a lot? Running can help! It can boost your immune system by circulating protective cells and attacking bacteria and viruses in your body. Running can also rid your lungs of some airborne bacteria.
So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and run!