I know you're just relieved to leave the played out phrase "YOLO" in the past. It became slang for people to explain away their bad decisions. "I partied all night instead of studying, so I know I'll fail my test. But whatever, YOLO!" No. You only live once, so what are you living for? Whether it be happiness, love, success, fun, adventure or just yourself, the choice is yours. Many people will choose several and everyone’s choices will vary. Once you really decide what it is you're living for, I believe this is when we truly realize how important "YOLO" is. Here are real reasons to remember "YOLO."
1. You could literally die today. 
If you think something is a good idea, just do it. If you have something you really want to say, say it! If you want to go somewhere, go! Take the path less traveled! There will never be another moment in time exactly like the one you're in. Ideas are like presents, presented to us at the perfect time, of the present. You can't keep betting you'll have more time for it later. Just do it already, what's the worst that can happen? (Consider the consequences first, of course. If you can't handle the consequence, maybe you don't really want to do it!)
2. What you do makes you, you!
You are a reflection of your actions. This is not always a good thing, but do purely good people really exist? We all make mistakes, that's what being human is about. If we didn't live life the way we want, we wouldn't actually be ourselves. Life is entirely too short to waste time trying to be something you're not. Embrace all that you truly are. No one can be a better you than you! Don't deprive the world of that!
3. You are in control of this one life you're given, so control it!
There is a difference between having self control and being controlling. You can control the decisions you make for yourself and how you react to others decisions, that is all. You cannot stress about other people’s actions, just do what is best for you, always! We must all maintain a certain level of self control. You can still be yourself and learn how to control the aspects of your life that get out of hand.
4. You do not have to change who you are to be better for another person.
We often spend so much time trying to better ourselves for someone else to be happy that we end up feeling worse about ourselves. It is okay to want to be a better person, but do it for yourself! The people who really love you will take you at your worst and never hold it against you or think differently of you. They know what having you at your best is worth! The key to your happiness should never lie in someone else's hand. The door is always open, it depends on the choices you make.
5. Make your choices and live with it!
I have made my fair share of mistakes and am a firm believer of "no regrets" (exactly) no matter how stupid of a mistake I make, to me it was worth it. I usually like to learn things the hard way. I have to experience something to actually learn a lesson. This has gotten me into plenty of trouble and heart ache in my short life so far. Each and every single time, I've come out smarter, stronger, more loving or understanding. All of my mistakes have truly made me a better person.
Everyone gets to the point where we wish for our life to be a certain way, yet feel like everything is going wrong. It is supposed to. Trust in fate, and be careful what you ask for. Have faith that this is your journey to how your life is supposed to be. If you want to be great, you will have to work hard. If you want to be rich, you will have to struggle first. You cannot be happy without experiencing sadness and knowing you do not want to feel that way anymore. You cannot love or be loved without experiencing heart ache and learning to love yourself first. Everything you experience is leading you to what you ask for. So while you're building this life for yourself, don't forget to live! You have one chance. Just do it, "YOLO!”