In case you have never heard of the game "Dungeons and Dragons", taking part in it gets you really close to the people around you. The game is set in your imagination and revolves around your creativity, writing skills, and adaptability (not to mention a few math skills). Though this may seem like something that's difficult to get into, with a creative group of friends, this game is sure to bring laughs and exciting quests.
1. It brings you closer to friends
Playing Dungeons and Dragons creates closer ties with you and your friends. Going through a dungeon with friends forces the group to collaborate with one another. Puzzling situations and problem solving help to bring people together.
2. Work on your math skills
Every circumstance in this game is governed by a roll of the die. As you continue playing, the numbers begin to make sense and calculations become easier. Dungeons and Dragons is able to get you to think about math when you didn't think you wanted to.
3. Show some creativity
If you're creating and dungeon and intend to be the dungeon master, you get to create a story entirely from scratch. If you're a player, you get to adapt to the story and make your own decisions in the most creative way possible. On both sides, imagination is key.
4. Adaptability/Critical thinking
Whether you're running the show or just along for the ride, the game will have you make some snap decisions. Playing Dungeons and Dragons is a great way to work on your quick thinking and analysis.
5. Become a better writer
As the dungeon master, you can write a story that fits perfectly to your Dungeons and Dragons group. As you continue to write dungeons, you will get better at writing with a purpose. Eventually, creativity will come naturally to you.
Dungeons and Dragons is a great way to show off these skills to yourself and your friend group. If you invite new people, you're sure to make a new friend and engage in jolly cooperation.