Oh, high school. It feels like just yesterday we were all hanging out by our lockers, trying to make the bell on time for class and gossiping about the upcoming plans for the weekend in the cafeteria during lunchtime. I would be lying if I said all of high school was easy. We all had moments where we dealt with drama, teachers we thought weren't being fair and putting up with our parents questioning us and watching our every single move. So who do you turn to in your time of need when you thought the whole world was ending because you weren't allowed to go to Billie's sweet 16 birthday party? No one other than your high school friends. Leaving them to go off to college may be one of the hardest things you have to do, but that doesn't mean you ever need to forget them.
1. They know every awkward moment that happened to you during your time spent in high school. High school is a very vulnerable time for everyone. Honestly, we were all pretty awkward, especially during our freshman and sophomore years. However, your high school friends listened to you without judgment, put up with any pointless drama and will always be there to laugh at all of the awkward encounters you had throughout high school.
2. They supported you from day one. All of those sports games, debates, speeches and even homework help — your high school friends were always there to help you strive. They may not be there physically when away at college or in the near future when working a full-time job, but you know they always have your back when it comes to supporting you and what you love to do.
3. You form your love for your hometown around them. One reason for loving your hometown has to do with the people you grew up being around. Your high school friends were there when you made some of your greatest memories, celebrated your successes with you and are still always down to go to the regular hang outs, local restaurants and ice cream shops to pig out.
4. They've watched you grow from high school up until now. Your high school besties have seen you at your lowest and highest points, and they know that whatever it is that may get you down, you always get back up again with their help. They've seen you transition from a child into the young adult that you are now. Not only have they watched you grow, but they are the cheerleaders everyone needs and will always let you know how proud they are of you.
5. When around them, it feels as if nothing has changed. Whether it may be two days, a couple of weeks or even a few months, being around them feels just like you're back in high school again. After everything you have been through with them, all of the ups and the downs, you will always have the inside jokes, the humor and the memories that bring you all together to form an indescribable special bond that will last a lifetime.
Of course, it is important to move on from high school, meet new people, form new relationships and see the world outside from your hometown, but it is even more important to remember where you came from and to never forget the best friends you made during one of the most exciting and stressful moments of your life — high school.