The beginning of this week brings us into the wake of International Coffee Day, which was last Thursday. While I'm not one to down talk a holiday for something so close to my heart, I also believe it should be noted that, in all honesty, every day should be "International Coffee Day". Where would we all be without that extra kick in the morning to get us out of bed? Or warm us up on a chilly fall morning?
1. It wakes you up.
One of the best reasons to love coffee is that it gets you out of bed, and that's not something your everyday brew of tea leaves can provide. There's nothing like that first sip of good, strong coffee. With good coffee, you can feel it working instantly. For my fellow students that also have a lot of early classes, I think we all owe it to coffee for not yet violating our attendance policies.
2. You can change the flavor according to the season.
Coffee shops are notorious for adding new seasonal flavors when certain times of the year come along, and like many other coffee connoisseurs, this is my favorite part to the coffee industry. Who doesn't love to have the first taste of pumpkin spice latte when the leaves start changing colors. Who doesn't want to enjoy a peppermint mocha while knocking out your Christmas shopping list?
3. Often times, the associates of coffee shops are genuinely nice.
I don't think I've ever been in a coffee shop before ten o' clock in the morning where the clerks weren't happy to serve me. I can't think of a reason why someone might embody the pep of a middle school cheerleader before seven in the morning, but somehow these people make that possible. Throughout my coffee consuming years, I don't think I've ever so much as gotten a hint of shade thrown at me for my coffee order, and that's something that makes the coffee experience that much more enjoyable. Did you really expect me to enjoy my beverage if you'd handed it to me with an obvious want to be back in your bed?
4. It gives you a chance to relax before you start your day.
Enjoy the last few minutes you have to be in your pajamas, take in that wonderful smell of bacon grease frying up on the stove, and take another second to appreciate the fact that you haven't yet had to start your day. Enjoying a cup of coffee before venturing out into whatever you have on your plate for the day is good for the soul, and hey-who are you to complain about not having to get ready for an extra few minutes?
5. Coffee helps you present yourself more positively.
What happens when you try to approach morning rush traffic on South College before your cup of coffee? People die. Okay, so they don't actually die, but let's just say the concept of road rage becomes more conceivable without that first cup of coffee. Many of us may be familiar with the tribulations Wilmington traffic brings us all, and I wouldn't wish for any soul to be on those streets if I haven't had any coffee in my system.