I have always lived in the small town of Auburn, Alabama. To an outsider it wasn't that small, considering there is a university right in the middle of downtown, but to me it always felt small.
Even though my graduating class was way past 400, everyone knew each other. Everyone knew your parents. Everyone knew everything you were doing all of the time.
Not to say that I hated living in a small town, because I didn't. Of course, at age 14, when I hated everything, I hated it, but looking back, I am grateful I grew up there.
However, I have always wanted to move to a place where I have new surroundings and enjoy the experience of figuring everything out on my own. One day, hopefully this will happen.
For me that place is Dallas, Texas. I guess I attribute this to the fact I was born just 45 minutes outside of Dallas, in Fort Worth, and since we moved away, I have always held a special place in my heart for the state of Texas.
Here are five reasons why I think Dallas is so much fun.
1. The culture
Image Source: http://dallasfortworth.destinations.hyatt.com
I swear I have never been to a place where there is so much to do. I mean obviously everyone talks about New York City, and I mean, yeah, it is New York City, so there is a lot to do there. Personally, the culture in Dallas can't be beat. You get the big city, but it is still considered the South, so you don't lose the "southern hospitality."
There are so many different suburbs and parts of town that make Dallas what it is and each one is unique in its own way. The greatest thing about Dallas is you could explore the city all day and you might seem lost, but you don't feel like you are.
2. The FOOD
Image Source: http://www.toursdallas.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Primos1-500x359.jpg
3. The shopping
You might be thinking to yourself, what does shopping have to do with finding a place to live? Well, I am a girl that loves to shop what can I say? Dallas is a place that has it all.
4. The geotags
Image Source: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/11357270_837968769628155_1755279248_n.jpg
I could drive one mile over to a different part of town and there would be at least five new Geotags about where you are. You might be sitting here saying, "well a geotag shouldn't be a selling point on where to live," and you're right, it's not. But the fact that people are creating all of these for even just one section of the city shows that Dallas is home to an innovative, technologically savvy and creative community, and in these times, this is essential to success.
5. The football
Image Source: http://www.footballfoundation.org/DesktopModules/DigArticle/MediaHandler.ashx?portalid=7&moduleid=2396&mediaid=5177&width=630&height=354
Dallas is home to the AT&T Stadium where the Dallas Cowboys play. Growing up in a place where we didn't have a NFL team within -- at most -- 30 minutes of my house, this is pretty cool. Texas in general is huge for football, just like any other place in the "South". From high school to college to the NFL, you can find football anywhere near Dallas.