So podcasts seem lame, to some anyway. It is like an hour-long talk show that we can watch on TV, except, we only hear them.
Which for some can be an issue. You have to pay a lot of attention to it.You can't just nonchalantly listen to it while you are watching a movie or reading a book because you won't grasp all of the content.
But, sitting in the car, just laying in bed, just relaxing-- these are the perfect moments to absorb that content.
And let me give you 10 reasons why you should.
1.You can learn something new
You never know what people are going to talk about these days. It could be something you know nothing about, and you could learn everything about it.
2. You will probably laugh... a lot.
Podcasts are usually done by nerds who care a lot about one subject no one else does, or some goofy people chilling out in your own element, The intention is to entertain. What is the best entertainment to get attention in today's world? Make people laugh. So, you're probably going to hurt from all this laughter.
3. You can get nerdy with some of your favorite things.
Are you really into Movies? Movie Night with JL Media. Really like the Walking Dead? Indy Drinking Dead.You like it, you name it, it is probably there! You can find almost anything on a podcast! If YouTubers can make money playing video games, so can a podcast guy.
4. It is the new radio.
Radio was bigger once, years ago. And it is coming back in a big way. Internet radio or podcasts essentially are one of the newest trends.And who doesn't want to get on board with that?
5. You never know what you're going to get.
This is life. And weird things can happen live. The hosts of the show can stumble their words, the co-hosts can bring up something that turns the tides of the conversation- anything can happen. Podcasts are more real world than anything I have ever experienced on air. Anything can happen.
So if you still aren't sure, just listen to one. You never know what you are going to feel, hear, or find.