If traveling to a certain country is your dream, do it. All the great things that you experience from traveling outweigh the possible bad things, like fear of flying, that could prevent you from going. Save up your money and make plans so you can travel ASAP. It's honestly something you won't regret. In case you want to go somewhere but have things holding you back, here are some reasons to just go ahead and do it.
1) The things you will see are worth the money.
Money is a huge factor in determining if you can travel or not. If you can work hard and save your money, you will have a major reward. Ireland is the most beautiful place I have ever been to. Places like the Eiffel Tower and London Eye are awesome, but even if you go to a place that just has beautiful scenery it will be worth the money. Even countries that are really poor, like Honduras, can still be beautiful as well as open your eyes to other countries' problems that you might not have really understood without going there. No matter what, you will get to see and experience things you wouldn't get to without going there yourself.
2) You will meet amazing people.
On my first trip to a foreign country, I travelled with a group of amazing people, and many of them were people I didn't know before the trip. I made great friends and experienced such beautiful things with them, which made it even better. If you take time talking to tour guides and people you meet while traveling, you will learn a lot of things and appreciate the country you are visiting even more.
3) You will leave a different person.
When I got back from visiting Europe, I felt like a different person. I had learned so much, and I fell in love with the countries I visited. Traveling made me appreciate what I have and gave me the desire to travel more and to do more with my life.
4) You will be able to try new things.
If you want to travel because you want to experience something new, then you definitely will be satisfied. Each country and city has something new to offer and it's all different than what we are used to in America. You will be able to try new food, learn new words, and so much more.
5) You will never want to stop.
Ever since I went on my first trip out of the United States I have never wanted to stop. I want to travel everywhere and see everything. While some people may think this is more of a bad thing, I think it's good. Traveling is such an amazing experience, and you get so many things out of it. I'd rather have the desire to see the world and do it than just want to sit at home.