College is a great time to make friends and find someone special in your life. Being an athlete, most of us just date other athletes, because it just makes sense. But in my humble opinion as a man, you should totally date a softball player. Why you ask? Well I’m glad you did, because I’m here to tell you why.
1. They are down to earth.
Being an athlete in general really brings you down a notch. Softball players especially, they work harder than most. They understand the difference between reality and fantasy, which is a really good quality to look for in a mate.
2. They are quick on the draw, in more ways than one.
Have you ever witnessed a 6-4-3 double play before? That takes quick quit and quick execution. There has to be harmony among the players and enough rhythm to accomplish that feat. At the college level this is a pretty common occurrence.
3. They can think on their feet.
Playing softball at the college level is about your ability to perform mentally. You need to be able to make a decision, and the right one might I add, in an instant. If not then you just threw away an entire play, or even an inning. A good player has the ability to think fast and make decision quick on and off the field.
4. They can handle a bat.
Every girl that plays softball has some pretty great bat skills that could come in handy down the line!
5. Finally, they are not afraid to get dirty.
Every good softball player is not a girly-girl and is not afraid to get down and dirty. There is nothing better in this world then a good slide into second on a double down the line.
It's pretty clear softball players are the best. I hope you love your softball player as much as I love mine.