What is an artist? Well, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, an artist is defined as an individuals who practices any of the various (creative) arts, such as a sculptor, novelist, poet, or filmmaker. All individuals that have a great amount of passion for creating new things that speak to the masses rather through oral or visual interpretations. From visual artists to performing artists, art is everywhere you look and as a culture we crave it in the exact way we crave companionship.
Let's be honest, we all find the dark brooding behavior of an artist to be rather attractive. We've all dreamed of dating our favorite musician, actor, or writer, haven't we? But what makes dating an artist so awesome?
While artists give the abnormalities in life beauty, they in turn become beautiful themselves to a culture thriving for beauty. Of course, dating or even just being friends with an artist can be... well, not so beautiful at times. However, there are a number of reasons that make dating an artist a wonderful and unique thing that everyone should experience at least once and those are what I like to call the 5 Reasons To Date An Artist.
1. They know a lot of interesting people.
All artists have connections and those connections can lead to very interesting friendships and experiences throughout the course of the relationship!
Let's be honest, artists can be weird but they are so much fun to be around! You never know what you're getting into when you go to the weekly figure night at you local arts bar but once you get there you meet incredibly interesting and beautiful people! While your drawing may not even come close to the beauty of there's, they will always be willing to give you pointers and reassure you that it is only years of practice that put them ahead of you.
Not to mention artists are naturally very good story tellers and have lots of interesting experiences that they are not too shy to share with you!
2. They're not afraid to give in to their emotions.
When people typically feel a strong emotion they often don't know what to do with it. They tend to bottle it all up at once and leave it there until they die with those emotions still eating away at their insides... but not artists!
It's not hard to tell what an artist is feeling - Take a look at their work! What colors are they using? What cords? What words? These all can be tell tale signs of emotion through expressive behavior. Artists use everyday emotions like happiness, sorrow, and anger to express themselves every day through their creation of new work! Whether it be painting, writing, or playing an instrument, artists are known for being very emotional beings and tend to cope with these strong feelings best through the therapeutic development of their creations.
Aside from their natural ability to express themselves in a healthy and effective manner, it is often found that artists are typically easier to open up to as well! Artists have the tendency to understand and truly empathize with the pain of other people which often leads them to be very good listeners and thus exceptional partners.
3. They're passionate.
Everything an artist does is done with great intensity rather it be painting, writing, or singing, and, yes, that includes love.
An artist love is stronger than most - They do not take love lightly. An artists sees love as a conquest - an upward battle to forever and the determination of always. An artist will be the one who brings you flowers on your anniversary, writes you notes when they're thinking of you, and hold you tight while you cry. They will make sure that you know you are loved and cared for throughout the relationship.
4. They make the most out of any situation.
There is a little bit of beauty in everything we touch. While it may be disguised as something we, as a society, have been taught to find boring or gross there is still a little bit of beauty in it - A diamond in the ruff.
This is especially visible to artists. Artists have the capability of seeing the unpleasantness that life can bring as a beautiful thing and that is an extremely unique quality to have as well as a wonderful quality to look for in a partner.
While some may think artists would be rather superficial as they play with the use of aesthetic all day long, it is actually rather the opposite. Artists are some of the few individuals that will love you for who you are on the inside rather than the outside. Even in the darkest of moments or the darkest of people, artists will always be able to find the light at the end of the tunnel.
5. They will make art in your likeness.
Let's be honest, who hasn't thought about what it would be like to have a song written about you or a painting made in your likeness?
Everyone dreams of falling in love with someone who wants to scream their name on the top of the tallest tower and that is exactly what art does. It allows the artist to express themselves in the most accurate way possible and that includes their love. When an artists heart is always in their artwork and their partner is always in their heart then, in turn, their partner will always find a way into their artwork and that is truly beautiful.