5 Best Chris Stapleton Song's | The Odyssey Online
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5 Best Chris Stapleton Song's

It doesn't get much better than this

5 Best Chris Stapleton Song's

We all know him or have heard this name. Some may even know him from the bluegrass-based band SteelDrivers. He was the first award winner at the 2016 CMA's winning Music Video of the Year, along with winning Male Vocalist of the Year. He was nominated for Entertainer of the Year,Single of the Year, and last but not least Musical Event of the Year. It's safe to say Chris Stapleton is one hot topic in the nation of country music.

I myself can say I'm a huge "fan girl" of Chris Stapleton. I'm actually riding in my car right now listening to his album Traveler. The album itself won a Grammy for Album of the Year. It has been certified Double Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America and has sold over 1.6 million copies in the U.S. alone as of last month. I'm here to tell you not only to buy this album (ten dollars at Walmart), but to tell you the top five songs to listen to on this amazing album.

5. Traveler

Am I crazy to name the subject of this album as number five? Maybe. But it only gets better from here. This song won Chris Stapleton a Grammy award for best Country Solo Performance along with a nomination for Best Country Song.

Alberto E. Rodriguez, Getty Images

I mean look at him.. can you blame them.

4. Nobody To Blame

Chris Stapleton doesn't shy away from what he does best, which is tell his story with his voice. Let's all be honest. If someone like Luke Bryan or Kenny Chesney covered this song, it just wouldn't be the same.

3. Whiskey and You.

For me, this is the most emotional song I have ever heard. Chris Stapleton's gritty, force, and soulful voice couldn't have been paired better with any other lyrics. Ticketnetwork.com

2. Tennessee Whiskey

Let's just take a moment to really think about the transformation made from George Jones's and David Allen Coe's version of this song in 1983 to Chris Stapleton in 2015... WOW. Not to mention Chris Stapleton's broad vocal range. Oh does this song do wonders to my heart.


1. Fire Away

This song brought Stapleton a CMA for Music Video Of the Year, as well as Male Vocalist of the Year. Writing this song along with the video wasn't so easy for him. Chris covered the sensitive topic of mental health and suicide. Throughout the song, Chris covers loving someone unconditionaly. Even through the hard times. The power of his chorus just strengthens the song itself. Looking at reviews, it's safe to say he changed alot of lives with this song.


So there you have it! Not only five of his best songselling but 5 amazing reasons as to why you should listen to him!

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