Most of us have had the idea of college jammed into our minds from a young age. "Which school will look best on a resume?" is what our parents want us to think, but really we're thinking, "How far away can I get?" and, "Which school is a bigger party school?" This mindset needs to end. Here are five reasons why a small school is the best fit for anyone:
1. Class size
We've all looked at the size of the parties the other schools have, and for some that's all we base our decisions on. Well, maybe consider that the bigger the party, the bigger the class. No one wants to be a number in class. There's no personal connection to the teacher or TAs. You are on your own. Struggling? Get outside help. A smaller school can have face-to-face interaction with your teacher. Best of all your professor knows your name, not a number.
2. Friends
We've all heard the horror stories of everyone knowing your secrets at a small school. Yet, keep in mind you'll know everyone else's secrets as well. By actually seeing people more than once every few weeks or passing them by every once in a blue moon, you make real connections, and real friends. I'm not saying you can't at a larger size school, but it may take you just a little bit longer.
3. Distance
For you health junkies out there, this may not apply to you. If you like walking four miles after taking a bus to your next class, good for you. To the rest of you college kids, if rolling out of bed 10 minutes before class is your thing, a small school is for you. There is never a better feeling than only having a two minute walk into your 8 a.m. class. Especially on a Monday.
4. Resume
As great as that party looks, is it going to pay off in the long run? You know the saying: "You can always go to class, but you can't re-attend a party." Sorry if that applies to any of you, but you may not get that CEO job you've been planning on. Small schools are known to catch employers' eyes. The one on one education is appealing when you actually have to know what you're doing in the real world. However, if that party looks more appealing to you, to each their own.
5. Money
Yes, big schools are cheaper. It is known throughout every which way this is true. However, you get what you pay for. Want to play a sport? Go ahead. Want to have a great leadership opportunity? Here you go. Any big school it is almost impossible to get on a sports team if you don't play on the Division One level and unless you known someone at that school, it's even harder to get involved.
All in all, think before you apply. Not about which party will make you cooler, or which frat will help you get friends, but think of your actual future. Praise to the small schools!