There are plenty of wonderful and beautiful colors in the rainbow! There are so many of them that it is just too hard to pick just one that you love best. Many people say that they love blue or green. Society praises girls for wearing pink and boys for wearing blue. What about the colors that aren't in the rainbow? I tend to be drawn to black. Some argue that black shouldn't even be considered a color. I am here to tell you that the absence of light and the complete absorption of light is a beautiful thing.
1. Makeup!
Ladies! I'm sure that we appreciate many colors when it comes to finding what's best to define our eyes. There are some colors out there that work for different people depending on their skin tones and what they happen to be wearing. Black never fails to work its magic! Eyeliner, lip liner, mascara, and other things look great and make a huge statement in the makeup world. Black often gives a lot of definition to the shape of the eye that makes women come off as fierce. It's bold and leaves us with a powerful look that is striking and even in some ways intimidating (in a good way of course)!
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2. The Way We Dress!
Many people over centuries of time have said that they believe black is the color that makes everyone look more slim. I think it's pretty true. Some people are afraid of their body types in different colors because everything is more pronounced in brighter colors. Black is totally different. Wearing black gives us a powerful yet classy feel. It's mostly worn as a professional color. It's a color that you can never go wrong with, and it goes with everything. In my opinion, every woman should have a "little black dress"!
3. Anybody Wanna Buy A Car?
Black cars are the best cars! I've seen so many vehicles that look gross and dingy because of their paint color. All colors are awesome, but I think black works the best. Brighter colored cars tend to look worse when they haven't been cleaned. They also overtime will have a significant amount of normal wear and tear. Bright colors just help show off the damages and dirt much better than black does. Black cars just seem to last a little bit longer when it comes to looks. On a side note, I personally think they are ten times cooler looking in black!
4. Animals!
A long time ago, society came up with a bunch of superstitions about anything and everything black. Cats were specifically disowned and exiled from society because they were believed to bring bad luck. This superstition is also why many people are afraid of birds. Those who gave names to specific animals had a reason for it. For example, a group of crows is called a "murder". A group of ravens is called an "unkindness". It's pretty unfortunate that animals are disowned because of their color. All creatures deserve the same amount of love and care as their multi-colored counterparts!
5. Photographs!
We've all heard the phrase, "a picture is worth a thousand words". Pictures these days are meant to be full of color and full of life. Cameras are updated and redesigned to bring out colors in their best forms. I think that colors are more of a distraction from the things that matter the most. We don't always get the full idea of photos when we focus on the yellows and the reds of the world. Black and white photos are amazing to look at. There's so much more under the surface that we can discover when we are given less to focus on. Many pictures even seem to be more profound and more beautiful when all of the paint is striped away. Those are the ones I love the most!
Let's remember that not everything that is black is considered to be cynical or harmful to our world. Black isn't just depressing and boring. It can bring things to life. Sometimes beautiful things are wrapped up in the most mysterious packages. Step outside of societal norms every once in a while. Go black. Go bold. Go beautiful!