We all know those days.
The days when you wake up for your morning class feeling like a zombie because you stayed up too late watching Netfl— I mean studying. You're struggling to make it through the lecture; cursing every moment you refused to sleep as a child. Why would you ever take something, which you now know to be sacred, for granted? Having worked at a daycare believe me when I tell you this: CHILDREN DO NOT VALUE NAPS THE WAY COLLEGE STUDENTS DO. PERIOD.
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Once you finally make it back to your room you must make a very critical decision: to nap or not to nap? This seems to be a predicament which I find myself in quite often. So when you stumble across this dilemma, here are 5 reasons why you should go ahead and take a snooze!
1. Reduces stress
Taking a snooze can melt away stress due to the deep relaxation associated with sleep. It has even been called a "mini-vacation" by the National Sleep Foundation!
2. Increased alertness
Sometimes a quick catnap to bring your focus back. You know that feeling, and if you say otherwise you're lying. It's a win-win really; you get a nap and you can finish your homework quicker!
3. Lowers risk of heart disease
You heard me right. According to the Archives of Internal Medicine , you can lower your risk of a heart disease related death by up to 37 percent if you take naps three times a week.
4. Saves money
Because why waste money on ridiculously priced coffee when you can just nap? Start taking naps regularly and you'll be rolling in dough in no time.
5. Improves mood
Because let's be real, nobody wants to be around you when you're cranky. So seriously, go take a nap.