Spring is in the air. The gloomy winter is over, and it's time to move on from those late snow storms and unexpected cold fronts in the middle of March. Spring is one of the most beautiful times of the year because it offers so much beauty and comfort to the rest of the world. Here are a few reasons as to why we should anticipate the Spring season with joy and excitement.
1. The flowers have bloomed!
The first buds of the year have arrived, and the environment could not be more beautiful. Everywhere you go, the trees are covered in bright colored flowers. The entire surroundings have come to life, and the vibrant colors bring everything to life. It's important to enjoy the first buds of the season while they're here.
2. Warm weather has finally arrived.
Yes, sometimes the weather tricks us. There comes a random snow storm when the weather had just started to warm up. However, the arrival of Spring means that the weather will eventually get warmer. This leaves the perfect opportunity to get outside and enjoy the comfortable, warm weather before it gets too hot during summertime.
3. Summer break is almost in plain sight.
For Students, Spring is the period where all we think about is the upcoming Summer break. The excitement of school ending makes every student happy. Although Spring tends to be the busiest time of year, knowing that there are only a few more weeks of school gives students comfort. The basic thought is this: Spring has arrived and so it is time to plow through the rest of the school year while anticipating the fun Summer that lies ahead.
4. There are more hours of daylight.
It's so nice when the days last longer. Instead of having to bear with darkness at 4:00 pm in the afternoon, the light stays present for a few more hours. The days feel longer, and you can do more when it's light outside for longer. Life doesn't feel as dark and gloomy.
5. Sports are more enjoyable to play.
The weather is warmer, the sun is shining, and you just want to get out and exercise. It's definitely more enticing to go outside and play frisbee or play a pick-up game of baseball or soccer. The air is fresher, the weather is warmer, and there's not a season more perfect to get out and play.