College: one of the most fun/tough times of our lives. For most, this is a stepping stone into a graduate program and for others, it is a chance to get a better job. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, you are about 88.1% more likely to find a job with even just a bachelor's degree. So many of us go to school to end up working a better job, but why not also work while in school? Here are 5 benefits to working while in school.
1. Consistent Income
Being a college student without a job can get old fast when you have no money. In high school, it's a little easier to work part time, but we also have our household banks known as our parents! Now that you're away, this can make getting money a little harder, especially when you can't summon the puppy dog eyes. Having a job in college, however, can give you that source of income you can be missing out on, and even working a small amount of hours will still provide a consistent source of income every paycheck.
2. Time Management
Contrary to what you might think, in college you'll actually gain a lot of free time! The toughest part is finding an efficient way to use this time other than naps, Netflix or just simply procrastination. Having a job can help fill those afternoon or evening gaps in a productive way. Also, sometimes just doing something as simple as going to work and staying productive can set the tone for the rest of the evening or even after work, getting you on a roll. With less free time, your school work will become more important and urgent, and will actually get done all while you're learning how to balance your schedule.
3. Contacts and Connections
Sometimes in the job field, it really is about who you know, not what you know. However, working while in school can provide a path for both avenues! No matter the job, whether it be something prospective to you, retail, food or just something that pays, it is super easy to make connections simply by striking up conversations with everyone. Managers and bosses can later provide great, direct references and hook you up with people you may have never thought you could get in with, simply because they know you from work. Even going out on a further limb, customers or clients too can open a lot of doors just by giving them respect and getting to know them a little bit.
4. Drive and Grit
Both two very important qualities to have while in college, but not easy ones to obtain. Working only adds extra variables to your life, but you will need lots of grit to perservere through.
5. Relief of a Job Well Done
Other reasons seem the most cliche, but to me this is the most true. Sure, we all have our bad days at work, and for those days, that's okay. The good days, however, can sometimes even seem weirdly euphoric.This can represent anything from just having a good work day of being busy, accomplishing a difficult task or simply just getting some recognition. There's just nothing quite like it.
So, overall, working in school can be difficult, but the reward is one that is simply uncanny.